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The SPEEA offices are closed Monday, Sept. 2
in observance of Labor Day. 

Continuing our normal, customary practice the SPEEA offices will close 1½ hours early Friday, Aug. 30. Normal operating hours resume Tuesday, Sept. 3.
Holiday hours
Friday, Aug. 30: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Monday, Sept. 2: Closed
Tuesday, Sept. 3: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (5 p.m. Wichita)
Posted 8/15/2024
Member Mondays

Kicking off ‘Why SPEEA’ member testimonials

Each week, SPEEA’s social media will feature a Wichita member sharing why they became dues-paying members.

Why Wichita

SPEEA is initially focusing this social media campaign on the Midwest to help build momentum with the Wichita Engineering Unit (WEU) negotiations and the pending Boeing buyout of its former Wichita manufacturing site.

Look for new posts each Monday on SPEEA’s social media sites.

Interested in sharing why you joined SPEEA? Email

Posted 8/15/2024
International Association of Machinists (IAM)
Member questions in case of IAM strike

SPEEA is strongly supporting the International Association of Machinists (IAM) at Boeing in their efforts for a fair contract.

Main Table talks are now underway between the Machinists’ negotiations team and Boeing leaders. We expect these talks will lead to a contract offer that IAM members likely will vote on after Labor Day.

SPEEA members have been asking questions about what could happen next:

Second strike vote – The Machinists held a strike sanction vote in July (with 99.9% saying yes to support strike sanction). Machinists Union members will take an actual strike vote once they receive Boeing's contract offer.

If a majority of Machinists in Seattle and Portland vote to reject Boeing's contract offer AND two-thirds of them vote to go on strike, then a strike would begin at 12:01 a.m. on Sept. 13.

Crossing a picket line You will be expected to continue coming to work. Our union contract with Boeing requires us to report to work as usual during labor disputes involving other unions. The Machinists know this; their contracts have similar provisions that, for example, required them to cross the Fire Fighter picket lines earlier this summer. SPEEA members can show support as we drive past by putting a SPEEA support sign in our vehicles.

IAM work If you are asked to do IAM work, politely decline. If you are ordered to do IAM work, immediately contact your Council Rep or Contract Administrator while being careful not to refuse a direct order. Work performed by those on strike should never be done by SPEEA-represented employees unless ordered to do so. We stand in solidarity with IAM members, who are highly skilled employees with months of training specific to their jobs. Do not volunteer to do their work.

Picket during off hoursIf the Machinists Union goes on strike at Boeing, you absolutely have the right to go to the picket line during off-work hours. Spend a few minutes or a few hours. Walk with them. The extra number of people makes a difference.

Showing support – In addition to printing and showing a SPEEA support sign and desk tent, wear a red shirt on Mondays for "Machinists Mondays." Between now and Sept. 13, attend IAM rallies in the workplace while wearing a SPEEA shirt and/or carrying a SPEEA sign.

Talk to your Machinists coworkers. Let them know you support their efforts to secure a fair contract for wages, benefits and working conditions.

Impact on Spirit AeroSystems? - Depending on the duration of any strike, there could be knock-on effects that affect our members in Wichita. It’s impossible to predict now exactly what those might be. We are in touch with Spirit members and leaders to be ready.

Posted 8/9/2024
Initiative – 137
SPEEA letter of support for affordable housing

The SPEEA Executive Board sent a letter of labor support for affordable housing in Washington state. The letter went to Yes on Initiative 137 Steering Committee.

The Seattle initiative would create a tax on executives who make more than $1 million a year in total compensation. The revenue stream would be bonded to accelerate production of social housing units available to all income levels.

In December 2020, the SPEEA Northwest Council voted to make affordable housing a top legislative priority for our union. This decision reflects our deep commitment to ensuring that our members, their families, and future aerospace workers have access to adequate and affordable housing.

See the SPEEA Executive Board letter of support.

Posted 8/9/2024
SPEEA statement on announcement of new Boeing CEO

Regarding the announcement of new Boeing CEO Kelly Ortberg, SPEEA, IFPTE Local 2001 President John Dimas issued this statement Aug. 8:

“The members of SPEEA look forward to working with the new Boeing CEO. By starting his first day at the Renton factory, it is an encouraging sign that he is committed not only to all employees but to the safety, design and build of aerospace products.”

Posted 8/1/2024
July 25, 2024
Retreat fires up Wichita SPEEA activists
A full day of training at the Kansas Aviation Museum in Wichita gave about 50 SPEEA activists more tools, tips and inspiration to grow their union and their involvement. The activists, along with their coworkers, face a lot of uncertainty with the upcoming Wichita Engineering Unit (WEU) negotiations and pending Boeing buyout. The retreat training and discussion helped the activists build a plan to take action. Area Rep Ethan Jacobs commented on how the retreat helped inspire him. “We need more folks to be members and leaders,” Jacobs said. “We are trying to find and be the ones to show others how they can be a leader.”
Posted 7/1/2024
Statement on Boeing purchase of Spirit

In response to the announced purchase of Spirit AeroSystems by Boeing, SPEEA released the following statement:

The announced sale of Spirit AeroSystems to Boeing brings some certainty to the nearly 3,000 engineers, technical and professional workers at Spirit that SPEEA represents.

"Barring any regulatory concerns, we now know that the re-acquisition of Spirit is happening. That frees up company officials to talk substantively about how this will impact employees," said Ray Goforth, SPEEA's executive director. "SPEEA will work with representatives from both companies and will provide answers to our members as information becomes available."

SPEEA represents more than 19,000 engineers, scientists, pilots and technical workers at Boeing and Spirit in Washington, Oregon, Kansas, California and Utah.

Join a committee!

Committees are open to all members and cover a wide range of interests. Interested in politics? Join the Legislative and Public Affairs Committee. Other committees focus on diversity, member activities, new members, women's advocacy, veterans issues and other issues important to members. Attend a meeting to get a feel for the issues and activities. New issues and ideas are always welcome.

Established committees, along with their charter and officers are listed on the committee pages. For more information, attend a meeting or contact one of the committee officers.

SPEEA Committees                        Midwest Committees                    Northwest Committees

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